On board Le Rigel from St Malo
On board the St. Malo maquereautier Le Rigel
Photo François Robine
"Des bateaux j'en ai pris beaucoup,
Mais le seul qui'ait tenu le coup,
Qui n'ai jamais viré de bord,
Mais viré de bord,
Naviguait en père peinard,
Sur la grand-mare des canards,
Et s'app'lait les Copains d'abord,
Les Copains d'abord."
"I've boarded a lot of boats.
But the only one which really stayed on course,
Which never got on the wrong tack,
Never got on the wrong tack,
Sailed along, taking it easy,
On the big duck pond,
...they called it Friends First,
Friends First."
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