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Maxine Green
Altesse Highness
Altesse, il m'a fallu des revers, des traverses
De beau soleil coupé d'effroyables averses,
Etre pauvre, être errant et triste, être cocu,
Et recevoir beaucoup de coups de pied au cul.
Avoir des trous l'hiver dans mes grègues de toile,
Grelotter, et pourtant contempler les étoiles,
Pour devenir après, tous mes beaux jours enfuis,
Le philosophe illustre et profond que je suis.
Highness, I have had to know bad luck and put-downs,
Known my sunny spells punctuated by fearful storms.
I have had to be poor, a wanderer and deceived,
Had to take plenty of kicks up the backside.
I've had holes in my canvas breeches in winter,
I've had to shiver with cold, and yet gazed at the stars.
And all this so that at last, my best days gone,
I should become what I am, profound and celebrated philosopher.
Poème de Victor Hugo
Musique G. Brassens
© 2000 Dr. Ted Neather
This translation aims to convey meaning and does not attempt
poetry or song.



Altesse. Projet Brassens

This song is on Projet Brassens CD La marine