Projet Brassens' page about

last update/mise à jour 21.09.05

Dr Ted Neather is a founder member of Projet Brassens. After teaching French and German in schools, he became Adviser for Modern Languages to the Somerset Local Education Authority and then Director of Summer Schools at the Open University, before moving to Exeter where, until retirement, he was Senior Lecturer in Education.

During the Summer Semester 1992 he was Visiting Professor of Education at the University of Dresden. He has lectured and written extensively on French, German and English education as well as on aspects of literature and language-teaching methodology. He was Chief Examiner for French and German with the Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate until 2000 and then Principal Examiner and an international trainer for Cambridge International Examinations. He has served on numerous Government bodies concerned with the teaching and testing of foreign languages, has been Principal Scrutineer for German with QCA and is series editor for the CILT Advanced Pathfinder publications. He has worked as a BBC TV and radio consultant and presenter of foreign language teaching programmes.

Dr. Neather is a great admirer of Georges Brassens' work, which he recommends within French language teaching textbooks he has published with colleagues

Dr. Ted Neather était maître de conférences des sciences de l'éducation à l'université d'Exeter, le chef du jury d'examens pour des organisations anglaises responsables des examens de français au niveau Baccalauréat, conseiller gouvernemental sur le plan international et consultant pour des émissions de langues vivantes de la BBC. Il recommande l'oeuvre de Brassens dans des manuels de français qu'il a écrit avec des collègues.

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Projet Brassens' page d'accueil...o0o...George Brassens...o0o...Projet Brassens Quartette
Projet Brassens' CD de début...o0o...Textes et traductions...o0o...Partitions
Shelly Studios CDs...o0o...Activités éducatives...o0o...Photo galerie
Projet Brassens a besoin de vous!...o0o...Parrainez le Projet Brassens

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